Submit a Eulogy

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
About the Deceased
Date of Birth *
Date of Death *
If known, tell us which years the person lived within the Wagga LGA. You can add additional information (eg reason for moving) or let us know if you are not sure of dates.
What are the names of the deceased's children? This may help us to make contact in future.
Are there other important details you would like to record that aren't contained within the eulogy? This might include the deceased's connection to significant events, businesses or people within the Wagga Wagga area.
The Eulogy
Attach file - preferred file types are .docx or .pdf
If there are additional materials that you would like to include (eg a photograph of the deceased), you can do so here.
If there are additional materials that you would like to include (eg a photograph of the deceased), you can do so here.
About You
Please provide name and contact details if known